Demandez un devis à Esprit Tranquille

Choose our company

… and you have peace of mind!

service à la personne, personal services

4 good reasons to entrust us with your home

fini les corvées ménagères, temps libre, loisirs

Enjoy your free time
as you wish,
without thinking about chores!

crédit d'impôts, réductions d'impôts, économie

It’s economical
We offer competitive rates.

prise en charge des taches administratives

It’s easy
We take care of all the administrative tasks.

intervenants formés, personnel qualifié

Optimal quality of service
Trained and supervised staff to carry out the tasks we have defined with you.

Quality and satisfaction: our priority

  • Our staff is ​carefully selected​ and t​ rained through our rigorous methods.​

  • We determine together ​your needs​ and take into account ​your requirements​.

  •  Our ​staff is monitored and supervised​ by sector managers in order to guarantee the ​quality of our services, ​safety​ and optimal ​reactivity​.

+33.4 90 05 89 98

1029 route des Taillades - 84300 Cavaillon

Mentions légales | Politique de confidentialité © Agence Effervescence 2020-2025